The Navy abandoned the site and moved families to new housing west of Penrose Avenue.
The Navy was unable to raise the ship, and severe storms destroyed the wreck in 1924, which led the Navy to abandon her.
The Navy then abandoned the savage attempts for "Camboinhas" and concentrate all efforts to save the "Angostura", which they succeed after a while.
After 1930, the Italian Navy abandoned the smaller designs altogether.
Ironically, during this period the Navy abandoned the Norden in favour of dive bombing, reducing the demand.
After sweeping for almost a year, in May 1946, the Navy abandoned the effort with 13,000 mines still unswept.
A July 1956 estimate projected completing the ship by July 1961, but the cost of the conversion ultimately forced the Navy to abandon the project.
One of the things Cutbush spoke out about in the book was his belief that the Navy should abandon the "flogging" of sailors.
However the Navy abandoned its camp and did not return for five years, while the Army established an aviation school in 1913 at the southern end of the island.
The Navy abandoned NATF by 1992.