Researchers say the findings, published in Nature Genetics, are a step forward in understanding the genetic roots of asthma.
The second gene finding is described in another journal, Nature Genetics.
In two weeks, a major scientific journal, Nature Genetics, will publish a special issue on the genetics of race.
Results are reported in this week's issue of Nature Genetics.
His most widely cited paper in this subject in Nature Genetics, has been cited 262 times.
Nature Genetics now ask authors to "explain why they make use of particular ethnic groups or populations, and how classification was achieved."
A paper describing their work appears in the current issue of Nature Genetics.
The articles in today's issue of Nature Genetics represent a second round of the debate.
But when the experiment, reported in the current issue of Nature Genetics, was completed, the scientists got a rude surprise.
And when it does so, the integration occurs inside genes 72 percent of the time, according to the study, published on-line by Nature Genetics this month.