"It raises a lot of serious questions about how this government feels about Native American sovereignty."
He could get at the Oklahoma legislature easily enough and get them to try to restrict Native sovereignty.
There they hope to bring light to issues threatening Native American sovereignty, preservation of culture and language, and intertribal unity.
Protecting Native American sovereignty, natural resources, and constitutional, legal, and human rights is also included in their mission.
The issue of Native American sovereignty has been debated for over 200 years.
Although the Supreme Court ruled against the Crow Tribe, important guidelines were established regarding Native American sovereignty, and the power which tribes had over non-members.
In the 1960s, he became an activist for Native American sovereignty and civil rights, seeking to improve conditions for his people.
Native sovereignty is made complex by the fact that the British (in colonial times) and American government also co-exist in the same country.
Harjo developed important federal laws protecting Native sovereignty, arts and cultures, language, and human rights.
This decision was seen as an important victory for proponents of Native American sovereignty.