The manufacturers association said that a $5-a-barrel increase in oil prices would cut growth by half a point.
In 1977, American companies bought 420 jets, 50 percent of which were new, the manufacturers association said.
Among the companies that belong to the manufacturers association, more than 95 percent already provide health coverage.
By walking out on the manufacturers association, Jacobs was taking with him 10 of the trade group's high-profile members.
Today, 2,000 manufacturers are left from 5,000 in 1980, according to the manufacturers association.
So he formed the Manufacturers Association; 110 companies attended the first meeting.
Drug companies have received support from business groups like the National Association of Manufacturers.
Even in the letter to the National Association of Manufacturers, he tried to walk a fine line.
But the National Association of Manufacturers, a trade group, saw the glass as half full.
He headed the National Association of Manufacturers in 1982 and 1983.