After 1793 the Natchez District rapidly became the leading cotton-producing region.
The Reshaping of Plantation Society: The Natchez District, 1860-1880 (1983).
In 1782 he moved with his family to Natchez District, Mississippi Territory.
The Natchez District was the first plantation area in Mississippi and also the richest area in the Deep South before the Civil War.
By a treaty with Spain after the Revolutionary War, the Natchez District became a part of the United States.
It wasn't until the 1790s, after Whitney's cotton gin was perfected, that planters in the Natchez District became very wealthy.
The cotton boom of the early 19th century spread across the Old South from two primary cultural hearths-coastal South Carolina and the Natchez District.
However, under the terms of Pinckney's Treaty promulgated in 1796, Spain agreed to relinquish the Natchez District to the United States.
The Natchez War was a disaster for French Louisiana as the colonial population of the Natchez District never recovered.
Around 1798 the Ford family moved to the frontier of the Mississippi Territory and lived in the Natchez District until around 1805.