Lewis did not initially plan to incorporate Christian theological concepts into his Narnia stories.
The Narnia stories are all Christian allegories.
The Narnia stories have been told in many ways, but here they benefit from first-rate performances and substantial productions.
Guests begin their adventure in the waiting queue where their knowledge of the Narnia stories is tested by trivia questions appearing on screens.
While Lewis is known today on the strength of the Narnia stories as a highly successful children's writer, the initial critical response was muted.
The Pevensies in the Narnia stories were named after the town.
Lewis wrote several Narnia stories, but this one seems to be the most frequently transferred from the page to the stage.
However, he did not originally set out to incorporate Christian theological concepts into his Narnia stories; it is something that occurred as he wrote them.
That's precisely what he did, which is why so many of us love the Narnia stories so fiercely, whether we're Christian or not.
Undertones of his feelings about school are certainly obvious in the Narnia stories.