They referred to two Saudis' dying in the Nairobi attack.
Ms. Bartley and the families of 10 other Americans killed in the Nairobi attack have been quietly asking Congress to provide $1.5 million to each family to compensate them for their anguish.
Most of the day was given over to discussions about Mr. al-'Owhali as the prosecution introduced several witnesses who corroborated an earlier account of his role in the Nairobi attack.
As Mr. Fitzgerald described Ms. Mwangi lying in the darkness in the aftermath of the Nairobi attack, the jury sat in rapt silence.
Mr. al-Owhali is accused of lying for two weeks before admitting his role in the Nairobi attack.
The day ended as Ms. Bushnell sat in the gallery among the families of those who died in the Nairobi attack.
The client, Mohamed Rashed Daoud al-'Owhali, 24, was convicted last month in the murder of the 213 people who were killed in the Nairobi attack.
Clara Aliganga, the mother of Jesse N. Aliganga, a 21-year-old Marine security guard who was killed in the Nairobi attack, said the verdict "doesn't erase the pain."
His cousin, Jihad Mohammad Ali al Makki, also known as Azzam, was a suicide bomber for the Nairobi attack.
Mr. al-'Owhali was convicted last week of 213 counts of murder in the Nairobi attack.