And now, in banning the Nairobi Law Monthly, he has made it a crime to advocate respect for the law.
Another detainee is the editor of The Nairobi Law Monthly, Gitobu Imanyara.
Fourteen issues and some sharp covers later, The Nairobi Law Monthly survives, an outspoken magazine in a political milieu where the press has become increasingly restricted.
Also arrested Thursday night was Gitobu Imanyara, publisher of the Nairobi Law Monthly.
His latest victim is Gitobu Imanyara, editor of the widely respected Nairobi Law Monthly.
He has been denied bail on five occasions since being arrested more than eight weeks ago, after the publication of the February issue of the Nairobi Law Monthly.
Two days after the letter was made public, three of the signers, including Gitobu Imanyara, the editor of The Nairobi Law Monthly, were arrested.
This Kenya certainly offered no "free atmosphere" to Gitobu Imanyara, publisher of the Nairobi Law Monthly.
The lawyer charged today was Gitobu Imanyara, editor in chief of The Nairobi Law Monthly.
The editor, Gitobu Imanyara, was taken from the Nairobi Law Monthly's offices on Friday after six plain-clothes policemen searched the premises for two hours.