In fact, following cuts in the Seventies, NHS resources have grown by 50 per cent, even allowing for inflation.
We made better use of NHS resources than ever before.
It's a waste of NHS resources.
Up to a point, yes -but obesity (rather than just a bit more round the waistline) is a health problem which uses scarce NHS resources.
So in these times of desperately low NHS resources, what can we do about expensive compensation payouts?
But the decision must factor in the scarcity of NHS resources.
In this way, the Health Minister, John Hutton, said last week, NHS resources would be protected from abuse.
When it comes to abuse of NHS resources, the managers leave the foreigners standing.
More seriously for Brown, NHS resources are set to tighten considerably over the next few years.
It rejected the same drug for the treatment of breast cancer, finding that the drug was "not a cost-effective use of NHS resources."