The three game average for NBC broadcasts rose to 5.4 million viewers, an increase of 800,000 compared to 2009.
These ran almost 22 minutes, whereas the original NBC broadcasts were over 24 minutes without commercials.
It was a 30-minute program which NBC broadcast from 5:30 to 6pm on Sunday afternoons.
The final NBC broadcast was on June 27, 1954.
But the following night, after the NBC broadcast, they reversed that decision.
There were 20,000 spectators, while millions listened to a live NBC broadcast.
The agency is running campaigns for seven clients during the NBC broadcasts, which continue through Aug. 4.
NBC broadcast highlights of the event on 27 December in the United States.
The recordings made during, or following, the NBC broadcasts are among the outstanding musical legacies of the mid-20th century.
NBC broadcast 72 minutes on Monday night.