Yugoslav state media previously have spoken of dozens killed in the NATO raids.
The release of the pilots, who were shot down during a NATO raid, cleared a last hurdle.
More than 80 civilians have been killed in the shelling of mainly Muslim cities since the first NATO raid on Thursday.
Despite four weeks of NATO raids, the Serbian forces have continued unabated in their campaign to drive ethnic Albanians out of Kosovo.
Here, Malashenko receives grave news that his wife and daughter were killed in a NATO raid.
In five NATO raids, the factory has been ruined, and 5,000 people are out of work.
The NATO raid was the "culmination of these deliberate attacks," General Soubirou added.
He said that the bombing of Kosovo was a preparation for a NATO raid on Russia.
Belgrade has charged that more than 70 civilians were killed Wednesday in NATO raids on Kosovo.
Last month a NATO raid at one Bosnian Serb paramilitary barracks uncovered land mines and rocket-propelled grenades.