Another part of MTV's housing area is now being used by NATO personnel.
Amnesty found no evidence of criminal proceedings against NATO military personnel in their home countries.
Roughly 120 Americans live in Oberstaufenbach, these being NATO personnel and their families.
A pamphlet distributed to NATO personnel described him as a man "who has expressed sympathy for extremist causes."
Although most NATO personnel in Bosnia deliberately avoided encountering indicted individuals until 1997, France held out until recently.
Provide supply and maintenance training for NATO personnel.
Tribunal and administration officials said there was virtually no possibility that charges would be brought against American or NATO personnel.
I think that your 'resistance fighters' are probably NATO personnel who escaped when we took Keflavik.
The Component has approximately thirty military and civilian assigned personnel at each site; these are NATO personnel, but all are from the respective host nation.
They were mostly NATO personnel, Mirsky saw, also being evacuated.