"I could imagine in the NATO framework we would have other administrative frontiers," he said.
Many worked within a NATO framework, but some - the Netherlands, for example - say their resistance fighters were organized purely as a national force.
There, EUCOM prepared plans for the defense of Western Europe within the NATO framework against the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact.
The French Ministry of Defense's report on the war last November complained of military operations "conducted by the United States outside the strict NATO framework and procedures."
We have been able to work with Russian forces successfully inside a NATO framework in the Balkans.
While the United States, Poland and the Czech Republic are all alliance members, the negotiations on missile defense bases are being carried out in bilateral talks outside the NATO framework.
Its proposal to train 1,500 Iraqi police officers envisions a program outside Iraq and outside the NATO framework.
She stressed that "we must always safeguard our freedom and justice, and we must always do it within the NATO framework."
The establishment of a solid, balanced transatlantic relationship also depends on a substantial European undertaking in the field of defence, in line with the NATO framework.
Estonia should be ready to defend herself with a well-trained reserve-based army inside the NATO framework.