It was suggested that Mylar tape be used to coat the windows for a barrier, but the cost, about $4.5 million, was considered too expensive.
Strips of Mylar tape or shredded aluminum pie plates, hung on strings so they dance in the wind, are effective for a few weeks.
The recommendations include noisemaking devices, mylar tape around ponds, fences and decoys.
Stretches of thin strips of Mylar tape now crisscross the Hargrave vineyard, 90 miles of it for the 50 acres.
Punched mylar tapes are more robust.
Mylar tape holding it down seemed to have come loose, he said, perhaps because of expanding atmospheric gases that had been trapped there before launching.
So far the O'Byrnes have tried Mylar tape and balloons that a visiting biologist said would scare the birds away.
A small reel of mylar tape provided separation from the metal tape and the read/write head.
The cells were picked up on the Mylar tape along with some small flecks of blood.
Mylar punched tape is available for use in this situation.