Then one day a Muslim officer said to Ayadh, In certain circumstances wisdom is better than a large army.
According to the archaeologists, high-ranking Muslim officers of the king's court and the military officers stayed in this area.
Seven are killed (including a Muslim officer who was trying to defend them) and scores injured, and lots of lives ruined.
The rest of the women were distributed as wives to Muslim officers and favourites living there.
In addition, a fixed number of commissioned positions up to the level of captain were reserved for Muslim officers.
One of them, I recognized by reputation-a Muslim officer who had shut down a previous investigation into a death threat against me in 2008.
Later that night, the same Muslim officer called me to say AnnaLitical posed no danger.
One night however eight Muslim officers, each followed by his troops, crossed the river apparently without the King's knowledge.
Promotion and wealth were other motives among Chinese Muslim military officers for anti-foreignism.
Muslim and Croatian officers are to be merged into a single department.