Goat is already a staple in many Muslim homes.
The latest violence was triggered by arson attacks on Muslim homes over the weekend, residents of Ambon said.
The room was part of a Muslim home that the mob tried to burn down on Thursday with 21 members of a family trapped inside.
There were about 70 Muslim homes in Osave with about 350 people living in them.
He gives lectures to groups and takes them into mosques and Muslim homes.
Others set fire to Muslim homes and mosques in the northwestern state of Haryana.
Buddhists poured gasoline on Muslim homes and properties and set them alight.
Politically, Naim was drifting toward the left, but his upbringing in a conservative Muslim home had formed him.
But the high walls of Muslim homes kept us out.
If Hindus wanted to attack Muslim homes, they would do so in areas where they are in the majority.