Iraq announces that weapons inspections will no longer take place on Friday, the Muslim day of rest.
Friday passed without battle, perhaps out of respect for the Muslim holy day, but on Saturday combat began.
Some sites were inspected last Friday, the Muslim day of rest.
Military officials said the operation began a few hours after the Muslim holy day came to a close on Friday.
'Is this a Muslim holy day, or a fast, that so many people stay at home?'
Because Friday is a Muslim holy day, fewer people than usual were on the street.
Streets appeared to be mainly deserted today, the Muslim day of prayer.
Friday is the Muslim day of rest, and the trial, which started on Tuesday, was not in session.
As it was the Muslim holy day, the tray seemed more loaded than usual.
Even today, the Muslim holy day, the military headquarters building was filled with the Kurdish employees left behind two weeks ago.