The museum library specializes in 19th and 20th century art.
The museum library has a collection of about 19,000 titles.
The roof over what was the museum library is a wreck.
The Museum Library is open to the public; however, the hours vary.
The museum library holds about 24,000 volumes and a small collection of manuscripts.
By January 1, 1926 he had completed the indexing and restructuring of the museum library.
Paid staff have increased from 7 to 303, and the museum library has grown from approximately 1,400 books to 33,252.
Part of the museum library, open to the public, is a loan of the Académie.
The building is used as a museum library and meeting place and is not normally open to the public.
The museum library not only serves as a way to showcase the museum collection, but is also a center for research, scientific work, and teaching.