Increasingly, Mr. Gore has found himself navigating between competing constituencies because he may need them all for campaign contributions and other political support.
You might think that Mr. Gore and his campaign against global warming would find few friends in Cannes.
Mr. Gore found himself again confronted by questions over whether the Justice Department would investigate his fund-raising practices.
As the race has tightened, Mr. Gore has found countless ways to send messages to black voters.
Mr. Gore may find that it's better to let W. have it.
Several Democrats also said they had been surprised that Mr. Gore has found himself in a weak position this early.
The decision significantly increased the chances that Mr. Gore might find enough votes in the disputed ballots to become the victor.
But beyond that, Mr. Gore has found success as a combatant, particularly in debate formats.
Mr. Gore found he was comfortable with products for buyers moving up the social scale, even if they might feel uneasy shopping for them.
Unless, that is, President Clinton and Mr. Gore can find someone else to take the fall.