When Mr. Gore came to his home, he said, "I kidded him.
But for all his previous tours through the host state of the nation's first Presidential primary, Mr. Gore had never before come under such extraordinary circumstances.
Mr. Gore, she said, is primarily "coming to Florida to raise money and solidify his strongest supporters."
Although he may not be wealthy personally, Mr. Gore has come to be an adept political fund-raiser.
Four years ago, Mr. Gore never came here during the general election campaign.
But Mr. Gore came away with two overriding issues to exploit in the closing weeks.
Mr. Gore comes closer to filling that role, and now his portfolio is expanding.
Mr. Gore came in second with only 10 percent.
This shortfall makes it unlikely that Clinton nostalgia will automatically benefit Mr. Gore come fall.
Mr. Gore, she added, "came across to me last night as the one who would work the hardest."