But Mr. Bush has attacked and his ratings have soared.
Mr. Bush often attacks trial lawyers, saying their lawsuits impose a huge burden on the economy and drive up health costs.
He came seeking assurances that Mr. Bush would not attack the North's nuclear facilities, and he appeared to get them.
Mr. Bush attacked the Democrats at three stops in California.
It is especially striking because Mr. Bush has defended the war, and attacked Democrats over it, with increasing force in the last several days.
Last year Mr. Bush vetoed a similar but stronger bill and has frequently attacked previous versions of the current measure as a "quota bill."
Mr. Bush has vigorously attacked these actions and promised never to raise taxes.
Mr. Bush attacked Congressional Democrats, who are seeking deeper cuts in the military budget than he has proposed.
Mr. Bush was attacking a straw man when he mocked those who think we can make a "graceful exit" from Iraq.
Mr. Bush attacked again, broadening his promise that as President he would not, under any circumstances, raise taxes.