His enunciation has earned him at least one good review, Mr. Beach said.
"There was less open space as more money was to be made," Mr. Beach said.
"I'd love to have the company up here," Mr. Beach said he thought at the time.
"My job is to be a resource for the students here and provide them with models of excellence," Mr. Beach said.
Mr. Beach, however, said, "Harvey's concept of working together is doing what he says and having us do all the work."
A dry spring has contributed to the problem this year, Mr. Beach said.
"I expect to go from 60 to 70 hours a week down to 20 or 30, and play golf," Mr. Beach said.
"Much of the work we've been doing now, and in the past couple of weeks, could be a response," Mr. Beach said.
Mr. Beach said one of the center's missions was to make its stages available to artists when the theaters would otherwise be dark.
And while the industry has been slow to recognize the threat until now, Mr. Beach said that was no longer the case.