Motorists would pay a fee of $28 for the new test.
In addition the motorist would pay the first $250 and 20 percent of everything above that up to the $10,000 limit.
The state's motorists pay an average of $1,099 per year to insure a private car - the highest rate in the country.
And governments argue that motorists should pay for the damage they cause to the environment.
Then motorists who want to drive into the core of Manhattan could pay a premium.
A comparable motorist with a clean driving record could pay about half that amount or less through another company.
In fact, gasoline prices are at roughly the same level that motorists paid last July 4.
Even if the duty rise is put on hold, motorists will still be paying a third more to fill their tank than two years ago.
The boot is attached to the wheel, and the motorist must pay to remove it.
British motorists are paying the highest fuel taxes in Europe - and probably the world - a study has disclosed.