West's Motives Questioned "The West gives declarations of willingness to help," he said.
Sponsors' Motives Questioned Under the amendment, money for the space interceptor portion of the anti-missile program would be held at $129 million in 1991, the same level approved for the current fiscal year.
Motives Questioned Grape industry representatives see the boycott as a desperate bid by a declining union, which has less than half the contracts and workers that it had at its peak.
Wilson's Motives Questioned Calpers executives and representatives of workers and retirees charged today in response that the proposals were unconstitutional.
Motives Questioned But the policy governing the use of reserve oil has largely been left to Presidential discretion.
Motives Questioned There are those, however, who do not buy the argument that companies are concerned about their rank and file in setting up the tin parachutes.
Motives Questioned As his testimony drew to a close, Mr. Dershowitz said that he believed Mr. Abramowitz had ulterior motives for questioning him for so long.
League's Motives Questioned Duffy asked about the league's motives in seeking a judgment that the labor dispute was not an antitrust matter.
Tycoon's Motives Questioned The controversy seems only to have grown.
Republican Motives Questioned In the midst of the intense ethical scrutiny, many Democrats said today that they see a Republican plot against the Democratic leadership.