The new wing will have 11 additional stained-glass windows depicting more recent saints such as Mother Cabrini.
Mother Cabrini built a school, chapel and "preventorium" where girls could learn without fear of catching tuberculosis.
I turned up the sound to drown out Mother Cabrini's fan and settled down to wait until summer returns.
The parish had a brief connection with Mother Cabrini.
And he recalls the pride with which people watched Mother Cabrini's progress toward canonization, achieved in 1946.
Mother Cabrini's canonization brought new attention to the orphanage, attracting visitors from around the world.
Mother Cabrini still is a fully functioning church.
Mother Cabrini lived, worked and died in Chicago so she is considered one of Chicago's "Very Own".
Mother Cabrini died in 1901, but her embalmed body is kept in what looks like a lucite block.
The same guy who preserved Lenin in Russia worked on Mother Cabrini.