"My father and I went to Moscow in 1974 after Dr. Hammer suggested to Brezhnev that Moscow businessmen needed a golf course," Jones said.
There was a call from Petrov - just Petrov - a Moscow businessman who apparently was a target for extortion.
The body of a Moscow businessman was found in a village near Chernobyl two months ago.
The magnitude and scope of this kind corruption make Russia different today from even the recent past, the Moscow businessman said.
"I thought I wouldn't live long enough," said Andrei, 42, a Moscow businessman who came to the concert tonight at the Luzhniki stadium.
"If someone finds a niche, he can do business here, independent of any reforms," said one veteran Moscow businessman.
Klein was in high demand among Moscow businessmen expanding their retail and warehouse facilities.
"Russia is more than oil and gas exports, and fine art could become an important and lucrative export," said Sharov, a Moscow businessman who made his money with his paper trading company.
He wears jeans, sneakers and an old parka, instead of the obligatory baggy suit, leather jacket and Italian shoes of the young Moscow businessman.
"He was a brilliant player," said a Moscow businessman.