He said he had used the service when his own accounts in a Moscow bank were frozen during the financial crisis and he desperately needed dollars.
If he got what he wanted but rubles failed to materialize in the Moscow bank, that would be the officer's problem, not McCain's.
Court documents and the couple's oral confession named several Moscow banks as being part of the scheme.
One Moscow bank, Investsberbank, is opening savings accounts for schoolchildren starting at age 6.
By some reports, the share of euro-based deposits has as much as quadrupled in some Moscow banks in the last year.
"You don't need it," says the head of a small but rich Moscow bank in one of Tchigirinsky's buildings.
Moscow banks were open today, although many refused to sell their customers dollars.
Then he worked as a lawyer in several Moscow commercial banks.
He won't keep money in a Moscow bank, because this is "not my country."
Gold bullion in the depository of a Moscow bank.