Wheatstone Morse perforated tape or slip and the corresponding Morse signals.
"It'll take 20 hours to reach the battleship and then it'll be very questionable if anybody aboard the Titan pays attention to Morse signals."
Until somebody went to the trouble of analysing the dots and dashes and recognized they were Morse signals.
He also sent it uncoded in clearly sharp Morse signals, using the prescribed hyper-frequency band assigned to commercial channels.
Morse light signals can be sent to other vessels in a multiplayer training session.
Morse light signals to the ship, upon Lord's order, were made between 11:30 pm and 1:00 am, but were not acknowledged.
If the Titanic were as far from the Californian as Lord claimed, then he knew, or should have known, that Morse signals would not be visible.
The album begins with a Morse signal conveying a message, "we wanna go back to the past," which reveals a shift in the group's musical taste and direction.
Candidates are required to copy for five minutes at the speed of five words per minute, international Morse signals from an audio oscillator keyed either manually or automatically.
A naval training base near Seattle is the location in the novel where the strange Morse signals are detected.