Polisario led a guerrilla war against Moroccan forces until 1991.
These provide information on the town at the time of the Songhay Empire and the invasion by Moroccan forces in 1591.
The fleet was unable to recover the prisoners or to inflict retribution on Moroccan forces.
We do not have, however, any concrete evidence of plotting against the King in the Moroccan armed forces.
By 1610, the Moroccan forces had deteriorated significantly, and both strength and influence faded.
Only then did the Moroccan armed forces commit heavily in the Sahara.
The fortifications were progressively built by Moroccan forces starting in 1981, and formally ending on 16 April 1987.
Moroccan forces promptly deported the individuals across the Algerian border.
But I assume that you meant certain Moroccan forces were lining their pockets.
Moroccan forces arrested 35 Al Qaeda recruiters on July 2, 2008.