Such publications were not generally available in Moroccan cities until 1908.
Most Moroccan cities have dedicated taxis for transport inside the city limits.
Some examples of colors used in Moroccan cities for petit-taxis:
Here is a list of Moroccan cities, which could be copied and pasted into your search.
Ultimately, the term came to designate Jewish quarters in other Moroccan cities.
The main square adjacent to the old souk resembles those of major Moroccan cities.
The modern Moroccan city of Meknes bears witness to their presence.
At least 33 people were killed in two days of rioting over the weekend in this old Moroccan city, hospital and morgue officials said today.
The town itself is compact, and its narrow streets will feel familiar to anyone who has spent time in the medinas of other Moroccan cities.
But the series of workshops continued in several Moroccan cities.