Walkara proceeded to raid Mormon settlements in retaliation and the conflict spread.
A number of Mormon settlements in Idaho, Nevada and California would not be resettled for decades and some were permanently abandoned.
Brigham Young organized a great colonization of the American West, with Mormon settlements extending from Canada to Mexico.
Wakara and his brother Arapeen began a series of raids on Mormon settlements.
In 1870 Black Hawk traveled to various Mormon settlements asking forgiveness for the attacks.
In 1875, settlers set out with the dual purpose of proselytizing and finding prospective locations for Mormon settlements.
Smith helped colonize different Mormon settlements.
In 1878 he went to explore an area in the Arizona Territory where Mormon settlements were being established.
Mormon settlements in Alberta radiated out from Cardston.
Unlike other Mormon settlements of the era, Smithville was not planned by the leaders of the church.