The school is situated on 38 acres in the southern section of Moreno Valley, California.
In his senior year, he led Moreno Valley to a 25-6 record and averaged 19 points, 15 rebounds, and 4 assists per game.
"We're passing through the Moreno Valley here - very poor area, very few kids going to four-year colleges."
He was 83 years old and lived in Moreno Valley, Calif.
Although similar measures had failed in 1968 and 1983, a measure to form the city of Moreno Valley was approved by voters in 1984.
Between 2006-2007 alone, Moreno Valley saw a 13% increase in its black population.
Moreno Valley is an incorporated common law city.
A decade ago, the city of Moreno Valley did not exist.
And to win California, he must hang on to a substantial proportion of the voters in places like Moreno Valley.
In 1989, Moreno Valley was chosen as the site for a new county hospital.