He was buried in Montmartre Cemetery with his wife, who only survived him by a few months, dying in childbirth.
He committed suicide on 2 January 1882 having been sick for a long time and is buried in the Montmartre Cemetery.
It is a short walk from the Montmartre Cemetery and near the Sacré-Cœur.
A week later, while walking in the Montmartre Cemetery, he discovered Amélie's grave: she had been dead for six months.
She died in Paris and was buried in the Montmartre Cemetery.
He is buried in Montmartre Cemetery with his wife, who survived him by only a few months, dying shortly after the birth of their youngest son.
They are buried together (in the same grave) in Montmartre Cemetery.
He died in Paris in 1937, and his grave is at the Montmartre Cemetery.
She is buried in Paris, France, at the Montmartre Cemetery.
Nearby are the Montmartre Cemetery and the town hall of the 17th arrondissement.