The stakes go far beyond the Monsanto Company and the dairy industry.
Analysts said the most likely buyer would be the Monsanto Company.
Dumping took place over a 7-year period between 1967 and 1973 by the Monsanto Company.
At one moment of need in 1974 he accepted a $23 million grant from the Monsanto Company.
For the next few months, at least, the Monsanto Company is destined to lead the battle.
Monsanto Company was one of the first companies to grant free licences.
Dumping took place over a 6-year period between 1965 and 1970 by the Monsanto Company.
Before going into business on his own, he had worked at the Monsanto Company in sales and marketing for 14 years.
The acid recovery plant was built by a division of Monsanto Company.
Monsanto Company is the world's leader in genetically modified soy for the commercial market.