Significant settlements include Denham and Monkey Mia.
Monkey Mia is a popular tourist destination located about 800 km north of Perth, Western Australia.
Monkey Mia is also the lab location for extensive behavioural and biological research on bottlenose dolphins.
Monkey Mia, on the remote western coastline of Australia, has for more than two decades been visited by wild dolphins.
People from all over the world began to make pilgrimages to Monkey Mia and some 200,000 visitors arrived during the 1989 season.
An American, Chi-uh Gawain, made many journeys to Monkey Mia and wrote a book about her experiences.
Monkey Mia has little to do with monkeys; the name is an amalgam, respectively, of an old colloquialism for sheep and the aborigine word for home.
But the dolphins of Monkey Mia have more than sharks to worry about.
A number of tour operators have land and water based operations using both Monkey Mia and Denham as their base.
Poseur The pelicans at Monkey Mia think they should get fed, too.