The Monk finished tasting the gins.
"It couldn't happen to a nicer guy, and I wanted to run out on the field and shake his hand but I just didn't feel like it," said Reeves, after Monk finished with a typically understated 7 catches for 69 yards.
Monk finished his career with 940 receptions for 12,721 yards and 68 touchdowns, along with 332 rushing yards.
Monk finishes his work and puts every pin back exactly where they were, and then asks to see the scene of the shooting.
Monk finished his career with 940 catches.
Monk started five games and finished third on the team in receiving with 41 catches for 398 yards and 2 touchdowns.
Back at the apartment, Monk finishes his Intertect cases while Natalie hones her detective skills by reading Murder, She Wrote.
"No one's going in or out this way," Monk finished.
In 2012, in the 200m freestyle, Monk finished 2nd behind Thomas Fraser-Holmes at the Australian trials in Adelaide and qualified for the London Olympics.