The sea surrounding the Mona Islands is covered with pack ice in the winter, which is long and bitter.
Known only from the type locality, which is given as "Mona Island, West Indies."
This was the site of the estuary's ferry dock and over time the name evolved first into Pratteshide, then Mona Island.
Mona Island lies close to the middle of the Mona Passage.
When they arrived at the Mona Islands, the Russian ships were gone.
However this was not the design that was finally used, probably to the very porous and brittle sandstone conditions of Mona Island.
Mona Island is a natural reserve and there are no permanent inhabitants.
It was found on Mona Island and possibly in Puerto Rico.
Bond attributed the bird's extinction to the large number of pigeon hunters who travelled to Mona Island.
In time, natives from other neighboring islands were brought to Mona Island to assist with labor.