He asserted that the Mitchell bill ignored certain fundamentals of the marketplace.
To its credit, the Mitchell bill rejected most such provisions and would prohibit states from passing them.
The Mitchell bill would employ regulatory changes and subsidies for the working poor to reach at least 95 percent coverage.
The Mitchell bill is also noteworthy for what it does not include.
Republican senators lift the three editions of the Mitchell bill and say they cannot be expected to understand them all in so short a time.
And it provides much less money for long-term care, $10 billion instead of the $48 billion in the Mitchell bill.
And more than likely, there's not going to be a Mitchell bill - one, two, three or five or six or whatever.
Against 475, in favor of going ahead and enacting the Mitchell bill, 291.
Apparently as well, preparing to resolve the conflicts they have about the Mitchell bill.
The Mitchell bill would lead many employers to drop or reduce coverage.