Debbie's Diner was decorated in the fashion of a small Missouri town from the early twentieth century.
In 1843 he tossed the nugget into a trunk and settled down to running a tavern in a small Missouri town.
A ban on school dances in a small Missouri town survived Supreme Court review today.
About 600 people were attending a highway engineers' conference at the hotel, on the lakefront about five miles from this central Missouri town.
He grew up in the rural Missouri town of Warrensburg.
And the candidates or their surrogates seem to be in one Missouri town or another every other day.
Teresa O., whose 10-month-old daughter is also infected, said she had found no knowledgeable doctors near her southeastern Missouri town.
That brought to light the existence of another Missouri town named Clinton in Henry County.
Her childhood and adolescence was spent in the small Missouri town of Clinton.
A12 Volunteers pour in to build up a levee in a historic Missouri town.