The Venture in Mission program raised 2.3 million dollars and committed half of that to overseas missions.
Mission programs, international study offices, and outside foundations like the one mentioned above are a good start.
As part of the Mission 66 program, the park headquarters were relocated to Moose, Wyoming in the 1960s.
So last year the school began a "Mission to College" program emphasizing study skills directed at ninth graders.
The Visitor Center complex is also included as an example of the Mission 66 program.
The area is surrounded by residences, not included in the district, built during the Mission 66 program and later.
Donations of clothing and household goods are considered for use in Mission programs, or sold in the store.
All profits go to support Mission programs.
By the mid-1950s the Park Service embarked on its Mission 66 program to expand visitor services.
Vint was particularly active in the formulation and administration of design standards associated with the Park Service's Mission 66 program.