When we took the money, Miss Turner, the curse came with it.
Miss Turner's son will be attending camp this summer.
"I just knew she wouldn't forget me," Miss Turner said later.
Miss Turner - that was her name - found it.
Miss Turner was the only person that believed me.
I decided to go see Miss Turner at the library.
Miss Turner, who lived alone, died in April 1986 at the age of 86.
If this bravado had any effect on Miss Turner, there was no sign of it.
Miss Turner pulled out a lot of drawers, set them in a row on her desk.
Miss Turner then comes into view walking over the newly fallen snowscape.
When we took the money, Miss Turner, the curse came with it.
Miss Turner was last on stage here almost a decade ago in the production of "Gemini."
"I just knew she wouldn't forget me," Miss Turner said later.
Miss Turner - that was her name - found it.
Miss Turner was the only person that believed me.
I decided to go see Miss Turner at the library.
Miss Turner, who lived alone, died in April 1986 at the age of 86.
If this bravado had any effect on Miss Turner, there was no sign of it.
Miss Turner pulled out a lot of drawers, set them in a row on her desk.
Miss Turner then comes into view walking over the newly fallen snowscape.