"Miami has been growing culturally, and we really are infants in many ways," Miss Rodriguez said.
When she returned, Miss Rodriguez said, she was having second thoughts about whether to have the abortion.
Miss Rodriguez said she did feel pain that evening and called the assistant.
Miss Rodriguez, a senior majoring in psychology, said was soon asked to devote considerable time to the group.
Miss Rodriguez finished two days of testimony yesterday.
Miss Rodriguez was 7 to 7 1/2 months pregnant, prosecutors assert.
Miss Rodriguez looked positively spent at the end, a human vessel impressively emptied of its contents.
Miss Rodriguez offered a strong performance as the wide-eyed ballerina doll who causes the trouble.
After the killing, Miss Rodriguez's family and friends said he had been stalking her.
Miss Rodriguez said a group of investors was considering buying two abandoned downtown movie theaters for possible use as a production center and live performances.