Miss Higgins is the granddaughter of the late Robert W. Butler of St. Paul, an Ambassador to Cuba and Australia.
I certainly am thinking now Miss Higgins and Miss Ricketts got religion way inside them.
But there was no denying Miss Higgins and a par five at the last gave her the trophy she had her heart set on.
After her release from that asylum she was closely monitored at home by her brother George (James Villiers) and a nurse, Miss Higgins (Megs Jenkins).
Put me back to Miss Higgins and I will give her the telephone number.
"Miss Higgins, what for you?"
Don't forget the books, Miss Higgins.' '
Botchup looked into Jennie's eyes and murmured, "Why, Miss Higgins, I think we can work together after all.
"Very simple, Miss Higgins," said the robot.
Little Miss Higgins has a dirty old tractor in Junction City.