Miss Cochran, the company's wonderful ingenue, is now a Shirley Temple with a smirk.
Miss Cochran makes the innocent child very knowing and yet her end comes as a shock.
For eight minutes, the judges ate Miss Cochran's sea scallops with fennel and mustard sauce without saying a word.
Q: You understand, Miss Cochran, we're following up on this as a courtesy to the Boyle's Landing police.
Miss Cochran replaced the injured Kate Johnson.
Lieutenant, please take Miss Cochran and Mr. Ryder to the disbursing office.
Miss Cochran gets a real birthday cake.
A chorus of demons drops into a big plie while Miss Cochran buzzes around with little steps.
Louanne Figliola, the costume designer, has given Miss Cochran a black dress that is slit up one thigh.
When Miss Cochran finds her man, the tango-apache dance duet is full of gags.