One can never get too much of the wonderful Miss Austen.
"And it's quite good, although Miss Austen is undoubtedly the more accomplished author."
Miss Austen should pen a novel about you.
I believe we can finish Miss Austen's book this afternoon.
Miss Austen is startled by the incommodious bleat of a cell phone.
They were acting out a version of one of Miss Austen's stories, and it could go on by itself.
The legation had something by a Miss Austen, though no one had apparently read it.
Doctor," in a voice which would have done credit to one of Miss Austen's young ladies, and this time she didn't smile.
For comparison, look at a photograph that Miss Austen took of the room on March 7, 1897.
Though Miss Austen was an accomplished documentary photographer, she never showed or sold her work professionally.