The Minsk Group is headed by a co-chairmanship consisting of France, Russia and the United States.
I would then like to know why we hear so little about the Minsk Group, founded to seek a compromise between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Let us hope that the latest proposals from the Minsk Group will help to bridge these rifts.
The Minsk Group is carrying out consistent work, but despite this we have not moved from our standstill.
We will stress the importance of a continued commitment to the conflict settlement mechanisms, these being the Minsk Group and the '5+2' format in Transnistria.
However, we will also point out to Russia the importance of involving the Minsk Group in all stages of the process.
On 16 December the Security Council said that the two presidents of the Minsk Group should continue their efforts, continue negotiating and reach agreement.
Fortunately, there has been a cease-fire since 1994 which is opening the way for negotiation, and the Minsk Group is taking charge of this.
The European Parliament supports the untiring efforts of the Minsk Group to find a political solution that will lead to a stable peace in Transcaucasia.
The Minsk Group was given the task of drawing up a lasting peace plan.