I now had the problem of explaining to them why the Ministry of Labour required me to visit its Cairo branch.
For example, the Ministry of Finance requires its loans to be channeled through regional governments whose legislatures have to pledge future central government transfers as collateral.
The Ministry of Education required that all primary schools offer courses on morality and ethics.
The Ministry of Education requires that each child bring a personal copy of the Ruhnama to school.
During 1978, the Ministry of Transport and Communications required all public transport companies to reduce their costs.
The Ministry of Justice, which prepares this advice for the Attorney-General, requires a minimum of two weeks to review the draft legislation.
The Ministry of Public Education requires a minimum of five students per academic level to justify the funding, construction, and operation of a school.
The Ministry does not require them to be registered as part of the Community.
The Ministry of Education requires courses on Islam and the MIB in all public schools.
Bangladesh's Ministry of Health requires incoming travelers to complete a health questionnaire and if they report flu symptoms a sputum sample is collected.