In 1948 he won the Ministry of Culture and Arts competition for popular songs.
On returning to Mali in 1976 he directed the cinema division of the Ministry of Sports, Arts, and Culture.
But the Ministry of Arts and Culture was unpersuaded.
In 1971, he transferred to the Ministry of Education and there was involved with the establishment of the first Ministry of Arts.
After returning to Iran, he first worked for the Ministry of Arts and Culture, where he made 22 films.
For now, they are all the Ministry of Arts and Culture could come up with in the four months since Parliament decided to make the island a monument.
The new governments appointed him head of Artistic Education within the Ministry of Arts, an office he kept until 1948.
Create a new Ministry of Arts and Communications headed by a minister in the Cabinet.
It now houses the Ministry of Heritage, Culture and Arts.
During the period 1922 to 1924, he was also an expert adviser to the Prussian Ministry of Science, Arts and Culture.