His plan to provide refineries to make ethanol won't hurt him with Midwestern farmers.
These rebates had treated small Midwestern farmers unfairly by not allowing them equal access to the services of the railroad.
Noting that corn and wheat were falling in price, he mentioned at least six crops with increasing demand as possibilities for Midwestern farmers.
Other Midwestern farmers are going a step further and raising certified organic pigs.
He is best known for his fiction involving hard-working Midwestern farmers.
Midwestern farmers also are more enthusiastic about genuine global fair trade.
But Midwestern farmers, despite this little missive which is much bigger than I'd intended, don't talk a lot.
Midwestern farmers like the plan because it would expand the market for corn.
Midwestern farmers generally opposed the war, especially those of German and Scandinavian descent.
No longer is the market scattered among thousands of small Midwestern farmers, who raise hogs and sell them to meatpackers.