On the night of the 23rd, people from far and wide come to celebrate the midnight madness.
Certainly, Midnight Madness is not an environment to teach and work.
They show videos of people around the world dancing to Midnight Madness.
The 2011 Midnight Madness was even a bigger success drawing more fans than the previous year.
They produced their first feature length project in 1980, a comedy called Midnight Madness.
But why waste words on this midnight madness?
A few weeks ago, there was the midnight madness surrounding media event known as Harry Potter.
For him, midnight madness was actually a giant step toward restoring sanity in a chaotic adventure.
Bacon's also held "Midnight Madness" sales that were popular with shoppers.
Midnight Madness ran for its final time in 2007, at which time over 1000 people have participated throughout its 11 year history.